Sunday, August 07, 2011

Asperger's Syndrome (the milder end of the Autism Spectrum)

  • Communication
-Inability to express in words
-Lack of eye contact, few facial expressions
-Lecture-like, robotic/formal fashion, circumstantial form of conversation, talks most in regards to their areas of interest/expertise
-Less obvious abnormalities include unrecognized, underlying discrepancies between verbal and nonverbal language and between comprehension and expression
  • Social
-Relationships are one-sided, distant, or absent. May misunderstand relationships and are either too intense or too detached.
-May appear withdrawn or isolated or may have their own world or shy
-An unempathic objectivity leads to difficulties ranging from understanding friendship (how friends differ from acquaintances)
-Lack of social or emotional reciprocity or Appear to lack empathy
-May have the inability to show compassion instinctively in a given situation
-Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests or achievements with other people (not showing , bringing or pointing out objects of interest to others)
-Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (i.e. hanging out with people their right age)
-Inability to interact successfully with peers
-May have few or no close friends
-Inability to see another person's point of view
-Lack of emotional control, particularly with anger, depression, and anxiety
-Socially and emotionally inappropriate or eccentric behavior or Socially awkward
  • Interests
-Apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
-Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
-Average or above-average intelligence
-Limited range of interest, which can be their own obsession and in which they excel the most and may become their areas of specialization

Asperger's Syndrome is NOT a mental disorder. It cannot be cured because there's no problem with Aspergers. Individuals with Asperger's are the same people you see every day except they have a name/title/label to describe them. Locating a person with Aspergers is difficult. They are only at least one in a 100. They can either be a friend or loved one. They can be diagnosed or not. Asperger's Syndrome is NOT a childhood disorder, though diagnosis is frequent in children than in adults. Asperger's Syndrome is a developmental disorder, meaning the brains are wired differently from typical people. Diagnosing Aspergers has come into picture because these individuals don't fit in the "normal/typical" norms of society. They are sometimes described as weird/awkward or different, crazy, insane, or childish. Adult aspergers are hard to tell esp when they have learned to adjust to the society and are able to hold jobs and families. It is well common in males than in females, but both are the same, because females can easily alter their actions towards what is "normal" to society than males.
Traditional frameworks may indicate that the female with Asperger's Syndrome is just shy, quiet, perfect at school so her parents must be exaggerating, tomboyish, moody, overly competitive, aloof, Gothic, depressed, anxious, or a perfectionist (Fattig, 2007).

Each Aspergers is one-of-a-kind, which means not one Aspergers is the same with other Aspergers. Aspergers' main problem is social relationships/interactions. 
"[They] can be so smart and intelligent but [they are] not socially smart." - SMD

Social maturity is slow or can be stunted if not intervened.

Known people to may be Aspergers: Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Keanu Reeves, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks

Other underlying problems of Aspergers (may have or may not):
Light Sensitivity
Noise Sensitivity
Touch Sensitivity
Social anxiety, etc

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stuck In Planet Earth

I just couldn't figure out the social world of these creatures in Planet Earth. They are so complex. They talk a lot but I mostly hear nonsense. They tell me to stop being serious but how not be serious when things are logical and factual, and does not seem funny. What's funny about that?

I read this book about friendships. It says there that conversations have three categories: facts, opinions, and emotions. I can talk a lot about facts but I later bore the other creatures. When I talk about opinions, the creatures disregard mine or they don't get what I mean. When I observe them talking about emotions, the creatures have so much and they win "friends" so well. If I try talking about emotions, it is the hardest topic that I could come out.

How do they do it? How do these creatures live well?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

(Africa) Burkina Faso

BURKINA FASO (ca. Ouagadougou)

Monday, January 24, 2011

(Africa) Republic of Botswana

BOTSWANA (ca. Gaborone)
  • Botswana is the least corrupt country in Africa and ranks similarly close to Portugal and South Korea.
  • "Botswana is currently facing two major environmental problems: drought and desertification." 50% of Batswana own livestock. And with more livestock, the land needs more land for grazing which results to desertification, not only drought. With frequent drought in Botswana, the people depend on groundwater, and with that, soil erosion may result.
  • One of six Batswana is infected with AIDS, making it the second highest infection rate in the world after Swaziland.
  • Botswana is composed of 70% Christians.
  • Bushmen still thrive in this country. Years before, they were being persecuted until a professor, Prof. James Anaya, abolished persecution on February 2001.
  • Football (or "soccer") is the most popular sport in Botswana.
  • Ref. Wikipedia
  • Youtube (19:34): The Kalahari Bushmen - Botswana

Friday, January 21, 2011

(Africa) Republic of Benin

BENIN (ca. Catanou)
  • Benin is not Benin City in Nigeria nor is it related to the Benin Kingdom/Benin bronzes, but of the body of water, Bight of Benin, on which the country lies.
  • Benin is considered by a few to be a model democracy in Africa.
  • Marthieu Kérékou (from converting to Islam to becoming a Christian; ended his rule in 2006) is widely praised for making no effort to change the constitution so that he could remain in office or run again, unlike many African leaders.
  • In a 2004 study by NationMaster, Benin was found to be the most corrupt out of 95 countries analyzed.
  • The economy of Benin is dependent on subsistence agriculture, cotton production, and regional trade.
  • Lack of women's wage equality, the use of child labour, and the continuing issue of forced labour.
  • A third of the population live below the international poverty line of US$1.25 per day.
  • Benin had one of the highest death rates for children under the age of five in the world.
  • Many Beninese continue to hold Vodun and Orisha beliefs and have incorporated into Christianity the pantheon of Vodun and Orisha.
  • Women are particularly subject to illiteracy. - from above Ref. Wikipedia
  • Youtube (8:56): Benin, Africa - Fresh Water Well Short Documentary
  • "She [Kerekou's wife] said, "The country of Benin wants to hear about God." - Francis Loko, Benin's Ambassador to Canada
  • "We forget that the human dimension is also a spiritual dimension." - Loko
  • Youtube (24:10): Magic and Murder (Sacrificing children is still being practiced, part of witchcraft.)
  • Youtube (2:47): Benin battles belief in sorcery

Thursday, January 20, 2011

(Africa) Algeria & Angola

ALGERIA (ca. Algiers)
  • "Women make up 70 percent of Algeria's lawyers and 60 percent of its judges, and also dominate the field of medicine. Increasingly, women are contributing more to household income than men. Sixty percent of university students are women, according to university researchers." - Ref. Wikipedia
  • The country is mostly Muslims. Christians are one of the minority groups. "Although the government says there is religious freedom in the country, critics say minority faiths are subject to pressure. There is no law that non-Muslims follow the rules of Islam, but the prosecutor says the men offended public morals by eating in public." - Ref. Youtube
  • There is shortage in housing and medical supplies.
  • Although, with their improved sanitation and water sources, many of those living in rural areas are still unreached.

ANGOLA (ca. Luanda)
  • "Oil production from Angola has increased so significantly that Angola now is China's biggest supplier of oil." - Ref. World Atlas
  • Due to the country's Civil War from 1974-2002, the country's fertile land has become obsolete and replaced by land mines. Millions of its citizens died and lived in poverty. And even though education is compulsory and free of charge for the first 8 years, schools were destroyed resulting the overcrowding of students, teachers are overworked/underpaid, other factors; therefore, literacy is quite low. - Ref. Wikipedia
  • It has one of the highest infant mortality rate and second lowest life expectancy.
  • The country is rich in diamonds and the second-largest oil producer in Africa.
  • "People are thinking shortage of water is a... Water is a matter of life. And people needs it for shua. Whether you want... It is not a matter of choice; it's a need. But we cannot say the same thing to the petrol. If I have not enough money to buy petrol for my car, I can walk. But without water I cannot survive." (Said by an Angolan) - Ref. Youtube

Interesting Facts from all over the world

This 2011, from Project 365 to Weekly Journal/Diary. Now studying about a country and praying for the country. One country per day at 1PM from Monday to Friday.

I just started last January 18, 2011 (Tuesday) with Africa. Then Algeria (yesterday). Angola (today).

While studying, I find facts that I find interesting. Because I want to take note of these things, rather have myself a pen and paper, I think to just post it online without the trouble of storage.