Which is safer to bring out the taste of all ingredients of a dish, NaCl (our usual salt) or C5H8NNaO4, sodium salt of glutamic acid (MSG, monosodium glutamate)?
Why is MSG bad for the health?
In itself, MSG is not bad for the health. What makes it bad is its probable effect on the original chemical composition of foods, thus the flavor enhancing effect.
Why is french fries or fried vegetables bad for the health? ANS: Once the vegetables are fried, its chemical composition changes. Either it breaks down and/or forms another which is carcinogenic.
Why is burned meat or dishes bad for the health? ANS: When cooking foods, it's particles expands. If the food gets burned, the particles may break, forming new compositions which can also be carcinogenic. (Same applies to barbeques.)
Particles (solid, liquid, gas) Solid is relatively rigid, has a definite volume and shape. Liquids have a definite volume, but are able to change their shape by flowing. Gases have no definite volume or shape.
When talking of barbeques, the fat from the meat melts and falls to the coals, then evaporates sticking back to the meat. Solid to liquid to gas. Burn plus newly formed chemical composition of fat equals very bad for the health.
Back to MSG. MSG enhances the flavor of a dish. It brings out the flavor of all the ingredients. Taking effect on the original chemical composition of foods.
Why MSG is coined as carcinogenic while some articles say it's safe? Why MSG is naturally present in vegetables and mushrooms, yet these foods are a cancer-prevention?
This is my theory on MSG; meaning, I haven't found a study or an article about it yet.
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