Good for dogs and puppies. They are always shown affection by their owners. While some of the people have never experienced love and care, if not, rarely they do. Those people could be the orphans, the homeless, the widowed, and probably the lonely people.
I envy my dog whenever I give him my affection. He lies on my lap whenever I watch TV and I stroke his fur. I begin to have this thought so I am writing this. I envy my dog because I seek affection. Whenever I feel to be so needy again, I seek for friends to talk to, to be with. If not, their presence already means a lot to me even that I may not be talking to them or share my sorrows to them. However, I do beg myself to share my troubles, but I have a problem explaining because I don't know much how to explain. I may begin to share some, but in the end, I regret because I have not told every detail I wish to tell for I might have missed out or forgotten. I also have trouble getting my friends' attention so I fail to share. Also hard for me to reach my friends so I do have less communication with them even when they are 100% presently near me.
Text messaging, IM-ing, emailing are quite available as tools to reach people, but I prefer to speak personally and infront of a friend I wish to speak to because these tools are very ineffective in communication for I might assume wrongly what the friend is trying to convey unless, of course, that friend lives on the other-side-of-the-world. Besides, not everyone replies to every message I send, so I rather prefer eye-to-eye conversation (webcam? I still don't want it. It's not too personal because your talking infront of the computer.) Yet, I still fail to reach them even though the person is there in front of me. I always get "cold feet". I don't have the guts to go to them so I always have second thoughts going for "the catch".
If only I could be like a dog for almost everything is provided to them. It doesn't have trouble finding people for people are always onto it. It also doesn't doubt going to it's people. It gets what I most certainly ask for: love and care. However, I always remind myself that I can never always have the love and the care. Friends' attention are limitless. Friends are not always everywhere near me. I cannot always have their thoughts on me. However, I always fail to put that reminder in mind.
Nonetheless, as dogs or puppies, we should be like them. We should go to our Master without fear. Rely on Him. Allow Him to take care of us. We should also just take a rest on His lap and let Him give His affection on us. However, the problem with us is that we mostly fail to remember that our Master wants our all to Him. We don't always go to Him when we need Him. We turn away from Him. We set aside His loving caring hands to carry us. We also usually never know He has been trying to pull us back to Him.
God is always so faithful. He never leaves us unloved and uncared. He is not like our friends who rarely have time for us for God is always present and never out-of-reach. When we lose our hope in seeking friends to share, God is waiting for us to call to Him. He never doubts to give His shoulder where we can cry to Him, His bosom where we can lay on Him, His arms where we can receive His embrace. Be at rest, for our Lord and Master is faithful and good. Be still and know He is God.
My Life-lesson: I fail God many times when I am so needy. I seek friends rather than God. Even though I do cry to God my concerns, worries to Him, I still say to Him, "God, I want to talk to someone. If only I could find that someone for I really don't have anyone that much whom I could talk so freely to. God, I have no one to talk to." Whenever, I have come to that point, I just want to lay on God and let Him comfort me. However, I should really just rely on God and let Him do what is best for me whether it may include people or not. Painful it may be to me, I should give myself up to God even if I still fail but seek for friends.
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