The world is a place of imperfection. Still it's in the nature of man to be or to make things perfect, but being perfect depends on one's own perception or philosophy (many would think it would make them happy when everything is perfect or when they get what they hope for). My natural philosophies are:
To enter an adult life is a lonely life. (I hate growing up.)
When there is no active activity in life, it's a boring life. (I have a boring life.)
Serious people will always be considered serious no matter how funny they are. (People always take me seriously even when I try to be funny. I'm just too serious.)
Plant a bean and will never grow a tree tomorrow. (I could never get what I want when I want.)
A lone island grows trees on it's own without another island's soil and toil. (I'm better off alone. I can work better solo.)
A bow strikes a mark once, twice, thrice, never bringing back the mark in it's proper form. (When I feel rejected, I am not welcome anymore.)
Good and bad coincide. Luck says it all. (Some are just born lucky.)
Encouragement without support is discouraging. (I get encouragement, but I rarely get support. Now that's discouraging.)
Oprah Winfrey's philosophy, "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." (Oprah wishes her happiness to live life to the fullest in her terms.)
Some may be true or not, but this shouldn't make me how I live. Such philosophies are centered on ourselves. We think for ourselves, reason for ourselves, an I AM. (God is the only I AM.) All for myself and none for others. If we all live for ourselves, then we couldn't be living now because nobody cares what we need but their needs only. There shouldn't be shopping malls if people doesn't care what we should wear. Or restaurants. Yes, these things benefit the entrepreneur but they also benefit the consumer. "Why the hell should I do business if it helps others? Ya, it helps me become rich but I want to be rich in my own way without the help of those spenders. Let them earn those goods their way. Why should I share to them my expertise? I want it for my own." (Even inventors share their inventions to the world.)
The world is the way it is. But this isn't our home or my home. I am not my own. Even if people hate me or the things I do, God doesn't condemn me. Even if I think my life is always against me, I can't always find absolute comfort and absolute refuge anywhere whenever I'm losing my grip.
Life is unfair. True. If life is fair, then life is chaos because everybody wants life to work as the way they want it to be.
A perfect person in an imperfect world is impossible. If ever this is true, the person's temper is a raging fire. He would lose his sanity and identity. He wants perfect? He'd be able to kill and annihilate all imperfection (like Hitler did to the Jews and ugly, dumb people to create a super people). What perfect man would wish to live in this imperfect realm?
But there was only One Perfect Person, I know, who lived and had never done like the perfect person above. He was born from the womb of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit of God. He had a temper but a righteous temper. He hated the filth this world had. He knew what was in the hearts of all mankind and knew imperfection cannot be erased from every person living in this planet because it was our nature to be imperfect. He didn't lose his identity and sanity because He knew He was not from here but had work to do for His Father. He didn't kill a murderer, a thief, or a liar, but He had compassion on them, He ministered to them. His job was to teach these lost the Way, Truth, and Life. Taught that it's possible to live a perfect and holy life without our own effort and even having peace in this warred world. He was also here to pay the ransom for our Judgment Day with the Father. To set apart who're His and save from the Father's Wrath. He was Jesus Christ.
I relate my life to Him. Though I am not perfect in nature, He gives me His Life. I can't repay for what He's done for me, but I can show my gratitude to Him by serving Him, being used by Him. I pray to become not my nature but Christ's nature. To live a holy and pleasing life because of Him. To live according to His purpose. To live the things I hate with endurance for Jesus endured living in this sinful world. To learn to love me the way He loves me. To be filled with His Knowledge and not the knowledge of the world which doesn't last long and doom for decay like ourselves.
All those philosophies I have for my life are nothing compared to Christ's Knowledge. Yes, I still feel sad when those philosophies strike me. Those philosophies condemn my self but God could never condemn me. Human philosophies lie the Truth. I pray I stand my ground to which is Truth.
Ex. 3:14; Jn. 3:16, 14:6, 15:9-11; Rom. 3:23, 6:23, 12:2,3; Col. 2:6-8, 3:1-17; READ THE BIBLE, the WORD of God, the KNOWLEDGE of God.
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